The War of 98, also known as the Spanish-Cuban-American War and some call it the Spanish-American War. It ended with victory over the American army and the Cuban “mambisas” troops. It was the end of Spanish rule over the island. An American intervention began with a view to organizing the nascent republic. In 1902 the Republic of Cuba was established and the Cuban flag waved for the first time in the Castillo del Morro. Don Tomas Estrada Palma was named the first president of independent Cuba.
Doing my homework I have discovered that in addition to the numerous books and writings that exist in both languages of this war, there are dozens of videos, some very good on YouTube that you can see and enjoy their analyzes. We will only exhibit this collection, which by far insists on the American army since they were the photographers, but some photos are really spectacular. These 3D stereoviews are a reliable testimony of what happened. It is worth saying that this war was the first war in the world that had war correspondents with film cameras.
This book shows the largest private collection of Stereoviews that at least I know of.
The author wanted to share this treasure with all lovers of history and Cuba.