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Penny Stocks

RMRK Falling 1024 422 carlitos2016

RMRK Falling

Today I will not talk much. I decided that after that big rise to fall to 0.0012. It is true that when there is an extraordinary rise, there are also extraordinary sales, of people who consider enough profits, but I was excited. If we look at the daily chart , the trendline of the triangle continues to serve as support, and the triangle pattern continues pointing upwards. Only having broken the resistance 1, 2 and almost 3 of the Pivot Point , I thought it would continue to 18. Hopefully tomorrow it will recover and return to its previous range.

RMRK remains ascending 1024 423 carlitos2016

RMRK remains ascending

RMRK remains ascending. Although it has not exceeded 0.0011, the range has been 0.0010 – 0.0011, which shows a solidity that we were not used to in previous months. Looking at the daily chart we see clearly a triangular pattern with ascending direction. The volume ended up low, perhaps the reason for so little movement but both the indicators and the presence of two Dojis bulling announces a possible rise maybe tomorrow. We insist that the low low continue to be increasingly higher. Let’s wait as the week closes.

RMRK has been uneasy 1024 423 carlitos2016

RMRK has been uneasy

Today the price of RMRK has been uneasy, the increase in volume possibly caused by some positive news issued by Acqua Cannabis, a subsidiary of Rimrock RMRK , made it arrive early at 0.0012, but as happens sometimes some investors wanted to take advantage of that profit and sold causing a fall that only reached 0.009, recovering to form a Dragonfly showing indecision and for several time periods remained almost motionless at 0.0010 until closing. The indicators were in turn contradictory, the stockastic indicated a depletion so it should go down. Bollinger was not very eloquent, so I only have to be guided by the moving average of 20 periods and the confidence that this company offers me, which indicates a slow but sure upward movement.

Rank has been good 1024 423 carlitos2016

Rank has been good

Today’s Rank has been good, has remained between 0.0008 and 0.0009 closing at 0.0009 which is a sign of strength, no jumps, rising slowly but steadily. As expected the price starts to detach from the lower line support of the Canal and the daily chart leaves us a bullish Doji , and I would not be surprised if it continued, along with the ups and downs, looking for the upper line of the channel, the resistance, if it turns out that the forecast could exceed 0.0012. In the morning an early rise occurred, this I attribute to the news that Acqua Cannabis, RimRock gave in the twiter of Dr Romeu, showing with apparent enthusiasm a considerable lot of Oil CBD preparing to fulfill a contract. The volume remained low, however the price closed upwards. Stockastic moves in the central area but with a bullish point bullish something that reaffirms the CMF that announces a discreet but a rise, I incline to believe it will keep the price up in the coming days.