Slide PENNY STOCKS Technical Analysis
FOREX In the second half of the 19th century, more than two thousand sugar mills came into existence, of some only traces, stories and hopefully some information remain, Some owners of sugar mills, settlers, merchants, etc. they decided to mint their own coins, establishing in their environments a viable way to pay and be paid. These pieces are extremely rare so we can proudly display this book that basically reflects the author's private collection. This book will transport you to the time through more than 250 photos and descriptions obtained over the years. I hope you can enjoy this walk through the Cuban past. COLOR BLANCO & NEGRO
FOREX Many decades of struggle and encounter between Spaniards and Cubans, culminated in the war of 1898, with the participation of the North Americans. The Republic of Cuba was founded on May 20, 1902, Don, occupying its presidency for the first time. Tomás Estrada Palma and it ended in 1959 with the arrival of the revolutionary government, which lasts doubtfully for more than 60 years. This book does not pretend to teach in this matter, there are valuable publications that describe and classify these pieces with a scholastic character in a masterly way, but we will take a journey through all those times from those times to the present time. I hope you can enjoy such a fascinating subject as the two-century Cuban Medal. The sole purpose of this book is not to allow any link in Cuban history to be lost through its medals and decorations, showing the author's private collection.
Slide FOREX: TECHNICAL ANALYSIS FOREX Forex: This market, also known as Currency Trading, is based on the relationship between the value of the currency of one country with respect to another and its main purpose is to use these differences to obtain a profit. The purpose of this book is to give the primary elements that are required to enter this field, this fascinating world of Forex, indicating a starting point for those who, due to their training, their character and their talent, can master speculation smart, with the aim of making a profit. Technical Analysis is undoubtedly the clearest way to achieve correct decisions, when you participate in this lucrative Market. This book teaches you the tools and offers you useful advice so that you can enter this market making your participation as successful as possible. COLOR BLANCO & NEGRO Slide DICCIONARIO BITCOIN & CRIPTOMONEDAS
FOREX Diccionario especializado, para personas cuyo idioma original es el español y participan en el mercado de valores monetarios. En el Mercado Financiero y en especial en el de las Criptomonedas se usan palabras especificas que definen las decisiones a tomar y que nos pueden conducir al éxito o al fracaso, debido a la dualidad de significado que ciertas palabras pudieran tener en ámbitos diferentes. Esa confusión termina con este libro que después de estudiar años estos léxicos hoy te ofrece un resumen de las principales palabras que pudieran crear alguna confusión. Este libro resulta imprescindible para el éxito cuando participamos en este lucrativo mercado. BLANCO & NEGRO
Slide INSTRUMENTOS FINANCIEROS CUBANOS SIGLO XIX Y XX FOREX Un recorrido por los diferentes periodos de la Republica de Cuba, desde la época Colonial , pasando por la Republica hasta llegar a la etapa actual. Mostraremos una cantidad considerables de documentos, acciones, bonos etc., de las diferentes etapas, basados en su mayoría en la colección particular del autor. Resultara un aporte cultural sin precedentes. (Libro Actual en edición. Muy Pronto estará disponible. COLOR BLANCO & NEGRO Slide CUBAN SECURITY INSTRUMENTS FOREX A journey through the different periods of the Republic of Cuba, from the Colonial era, passing through the Republic until reaching the current stage. We will show a considerable amount of documents, stocks, bonds, etc., of the different stages, mostly based on the author's private collection. It will result in an unprecedented cultural contribution.
Book in Edition. Available very soon.